Tuesday, May 6, 2008


♥ Can't believe our baby is about to turn one! Well it's been a few months again since i have written! Sorry for that! So much is new, Ella is walking all over like crazy! She went on her first airplane, to Arizona for a friends wedding, she went to her first rodeo, went on her first carnival ride, her first park, lots of first this past month! She still goes to day care two days a week and just loves it there half the time she doesn't even take a nap, i think she doesn't wanna miss anything! She had her first bout of pink eye right before Easter, but again she is such a trooper, never really UN happy even when shes sick! She is still sleeping through the night and just a happy good baby, she loves all kinds of "people food" as us animal lovers call it! lol Haven't found any food she doesn't like! We had lots of grandma visits, and a couple grandpas too! Ella's first birthday is this sat! We aren't doing anything real big, but we will celebrate! I promise to update right away and post her new bday pictures! This blog really got me almost 4 months worth of pictures...lets just say it took foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrr! :) That's about it around here..looking forward to some lake trips, and camping, and hopefully visiting more family! Talk to you all soon..love u and hope u enjoy! mwah